11 Benefits of Laser Hair Removal

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Summer months mean fewer clothes and, in turn, more shaving. Wouldn’t it be nice to sit poolside without worrying about the last time you waxed, plucked, or tweezed? Thankfully, lasers make hair removal not only easy but long-term.

Our last blog talked all about your laser FAQs. This post is focusing on something else: the benefits. After this, you’ll understand why it’s the most popular aesthetic treatment for women under 35 and is second only to Botox for women 35+.

If you were on the fence about lasering off that unwanted hair, here are 11 reasons to get started asap.

1. It’s a quick appointment

Thanks to our high-end Candela lasers, laser treatments are something you can squeeze in during a lunch break. The average appointment lasts just 20 minutes! Of course, if you’re getting a larger area treated like your back or legs, that can take up to an hour. Regardless, you’re in and out fast.

2. Zero downtime

You can continue on your normal day after a laser treatment. Unlike waxing which can cause redness (and even bleeding), most laser patients don’t experience any visible side effects. Some may experience some irritation or skin sensitivity, but it’s minimal and short-term.

3. Say bye to ingrowns & razor burn

If you tend to get ingrown hairs, say no more. Laser hair removal is the best solution to preventing and eliminating ingrowns for good. Even if some hair does grow back, lasers encourage hair to grow straight and not coil beneath the skin. Laser is also a great option for those with sensitive skin who experience irritation (burns, bruises, cuts, redness, bumps, etc.) after shaving or waxing. 

4. Laser saves you time

Spend more time on the self-care rituals you love and NOT wasting time shaving multiple times per week. If you’re a waxer, imagine no longer driving to the salon, waiting for your appointment, and more. That’s valuable time you’re getting back. Not to mention, think of the water you’ll save no longer shaving in the shower. Save the 🐳 !

5. Save money in the long run

Time isn’t the only thing you’ll save from laser hair removal. In the long run, you may even save money. While laser hair removal is an investment up front, you will save money by skipping those monthly waxing appointments. It’s simply financially smarter with a longer-lasting result.

6. Softer skin is an added bonus

Say it with us: No. 👏 More. 👏 Prickly. 👏 Stubble! 👏 No matter how often you shave, stubble is bound to resurface. With laser hair removal, there is barely any hair left behind and those that do grow are softer and thinner. Thick hair thins out or is eliminated altogether, so enjoy softer skin year-round.

7. Stop regrowing hair between appointments

One big downside to waxing is that you must let the hair grow out before your treatment. Without some hair above the surface, the wax simply can’t grab on to pull it out. The same goes for shaving - the longer the hair, the closer the shave. If you found yourself perfectly timing your hair removal for your social calendar, you’re now in the clear.

8. Laser hair removal is less painful

The treatment can be uncomfortable at times, but it’s not nearly as painful as its alternatives like waxing, threading, plucking, or epilating. Some say laser hair removal feels like a rubber band snapping, but as soon as you feel any sting it’s over. Plus with our laser’s cooling airflow, it’s even more comfortable for our clients.

9. It’s accurate 

Rather than affecting the skin’s surface, lasers only target the follicle. 🎯 This accuracy makes it an ideal solution to remove hairs in a delicate or small area like on the nose, lip, hairline, eyebrows, or chin. 

10. Get it anywhere on the body 

Laser hair removal is entirely safe and can be performed nearly anywhere on the body - even the face (with the exception of eyelashes, of course). It’s ideal for all of those hard-to-reach spots or places where a 🪒 razor is just bad news. 🍑

11. It lasts a looong time 

We saved the best benefit for last: Laser hair removal lasts a LONG time and surely longer than any other form of hair removal. It may not be totally permanent, but most people report 90% hair reduction on their treated areas. Most hair does not grow back, but those spare hairs that do are thinner and softer than before.

our clients in FORT MYERS, FL love laser hair removal

Did we mention that 97% of women who lasered unwanted hair said they were satisfied with the outcome? Those are good odds.

Book a consultation and we'll answer any more questions you have. Laser hair removal is an amazing solution with so many benefits. Hopefully one day, you’ll get to enjoy the benefits yourself!

ready to go bare?


Your Guide to Laser Hair Removal


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