Weight Loss Therapy in Southwest Florida

The Blonde Injector and The Med Spa are rooted in something more than vanity and aesthetics: health. That’s why we offer holistic and functional medicine to make you feel your best on the inside, and aesthetic treatments to look your best on the outside. For many of our patients, that includes Weight Loss Therapy.

Weight management is something nearly all of us have struggled with. Whether you’re in a never-ending battle to lose the last 10 pounds, or 100 pounds, weight loss is difficult. Everyone’s body is different and thus determining what’s going on internally can unlock why those lb’s just won’t shed.

Many patients are curious to learn more. Just keep reading to learn all about a different - but effective - type of Weight Loss Therapy here at The Med Spa in Southwest FL.

What is holistic Weight Loss Therapy?

Weight Loss Therapy falls under the umbrella of functional, or holistic, medicine. It is a whole-body approach to weight management. While controlling your weight, these therapies also work to improve overall health and wellness throughout your body, mind and soul.

This type of weight loss is different than a diet or exercise program. Using functional medicine ideologies, weight loss therapy determines the root cause of why you’re struggling with weight issues. 

Together, we determine if there are any underlying physical and mental ailments that should be addressed. Then, we plan the road ahead using 3 steps (more on that soon!).

In short, Weight Loss Therapy can unveil true healing and help you understand your body on an entirely new level.

Why do I keep gaining weight?

Do you feel like a hamster on a wheel, just running and running - but getting nowhere with your progress? Curious why you keep gaining weight, no matter what you do? Oftentimes, it’s something below the surface that is affecting their weight goals. 

A few common conditions that cause weight gain are:

  • Hormone regulation

  • Inflammatory responses

  • Pre-diabetes & type 2 diabetes

  • High cholesterol & high blood pressure

  • Digestion and absorption of nutrients

  • Psychological and spiritual equilibrium

  • Energy production

  • Toxins and how your body rids itself of them

  • And more

Good news! You’re not alone and holistic medicine can treat, prevent and even cure many of these issues.

What does Weight Loss Therapy consist of?

Here at THE MED SPA™, Dr. Kamii, DNP invests time into learning your full health story. That includes your environmental inputs, mind-body elements, and genetic makeup to develop the best therapy plan possible. It starts with three basic steps:

STEP 1: Getting to know you & your health

Dr. Kamii, DNP takes the time to get to know you. The more she knows about your health history, lifestyle, genetics, and symptoms, the more we understand what makes you, you.

STEP 2: In-depth testing & analysis

Comprehensive lab work and specialty testing like microbiome, food sensitivity, and cortisol testing gives Dr. Kamii, DNP a deeper look at different aspects of your health to uncover problems that could be affecting your weight loss journey.

STEP 3: Personalized health plan

Dr. Kamii, DNP develops a fully tailored health plan which includes recommendations on nutrition and movement, lifestyle adjustments, supplements, and so much more.

Where can I get Weight Loss Therapy in Florida?

People travel from all over Florida to seek out the best weight loss therapy. We see clients from Orlando to Tampa to Fort Myers for holistic weight loss therapy here at THE MED SPA™. Dr. Kamii, DNP, a Functional Medicine practitioner, is passionate about holistic health and treating patients with the best plans possible. If you want to learn more, book a consultation and we'll discuss if this route is right for you.





Holistic Medicine with The Blonde Injector