How to get beautiful skin from the inside

Gorgeous skin… it seems like there are some people who are blessed with it and others who struggle daily to achieve it. Consumers spend billions of dollars each year on creams, cleansers, serums, and facemasks as they chase that healthy, youthful glow. 

But could there be a deeper issue with your skin issues? Is there a treatment that goes below the surface and addresses the root of your skin problems to give you beautiful skin from the inside? Dr. Kamii, DNP – also known as “The Blond Injector,” takes an approach of whole-body wellness combined with holistic, functional medicine that could be your permanent path to amazing skin.

What is Functional Medicine?

Functional and Integrative Medicine explores the overall health of the patient to identify areas that can be improved. This leads to each patient feeling better on the inside while correcting cosmetic issues on the outside. The functional medicine approach to beauty treatments maximizes the patient’s overall well-being while treating the root cause of health problems instead of just the symptoms. Inevitably patients both look and feel better. 

Dr. Kamii, DNP uses a three-step plan with each of her patients when using the Functional Medicine approach.

Step 1: Getting Familiar with the Patient and their Health History

The first step in the Functional Medicine process is for Dr. Kamii, DNP to get to know you and your history. This includes aspects like your lifestyle, genetics, health history, and any symptoms you may be experiencing. Diving into these areas helps us to understand what makes you unique. 

Step 2: Performing In-Depth Analysis and Testing

Once we’ve gotten to know the issues you’re facing and information about you, the next phase has to do with testing and analytics. During the testing phase, Dr. Kamii, DNP will take a deep look into all of the aspects of your health in order to uncover the root causes of your persistent symptoms. This includes food sensitivity testing, microbiome, and cortisol testing. 

Step 3: Creating a Personalized Health Plan

Once we’ve gotten to know you and analyzed your overall health through testing, it’s time to create a health plan that’s created by Dr. Kamii, DNP and tailored to your unique health. This will include recommendations for lifestyle adjustments, nutrition plans, vitamin supplements, and wellness treatments offered at The Med Spa. 

The Med Spa Wellness Treatments that help you look & Feel Great

As a part of your tailored health plan, Dr. Kamii, DNP may recommend specific wellness treatments that will enhance your health and leave you both feeling and looking amazing. 

Hormone Replacement Therapy

Hormones are at their peak in our youth. While being a hormonal teen isn’t necessarily one of our favorite things to think about, increased hormones do have their benefits. Tighter skin, high sex drive, luscious hair, and energy levels to spare are just a few benefits granted to our youthful, and let’s face it, ungrateful selves.

With age, hormones fluctuate and begin to dip, especially in our 40s and 50s as menopause and andropause take effect. Lacking, unbalanced hormones can take their toll on both men and women. Some effects of unbalanced hormones can be depleted energy levels, weight gain, low sex drive, thinning, straw-like hair, and dry, crepey skin.

Since our hormone levels play a big part in our health, appearance, and quality of life, Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) can help to balance hormones naturally. 

Vitamin Infusion Therapy

When our bodies get all the nutrition they need, not only do our bodies function better, making us feel better and more energized, but our skin’s elasticity is improved, inflammation is reduced, and our complexion gets clearer. It’s difficult to get all of the vital nutrients we need from our food intake, though. That’s why it’s important to make vitamin supplements part of our routines. But did you know that when you take vitamins orally only 15% of the active nutrients make it to your bloodstream? 

IV Vitamin Injections introduce vital nutrients directly to the bloodstream so that our bodies can reap more of their amazing benefits. 

Weight Loss

Excess weight is known to lead to a whole slew of health problems. But weight loss can often feel impossible, not to mention all of the wildly unhealthy fad diets out there that tempt us into thinking we’ve found the magic solution. All the ups and downs in our weight can really have a negative impact on our health and our outward appearance. That’s why The Med Spa offers patients valuable insight into how to address weight loss safely. Adjusting our behavior and facilitating lifestyle changes can lead to a healthier, happier life overall. 

We commit to individualizing our patients’ care, so we’ll tailor our weight loss approach to your unique needs so that you can lose weight and keep it off for good. 

The Golden Dose

If you are looking for a more balanced mind and body, but do not necessarily have the time to book an appointment, supplements may be a great option. While treatments like IV Therapy have a higher absorption rate, daily supplements still provide your body with the vital nutrients it needs to function properly. However, finding the right supplement can be overwhelming with so many variations on the market. @TheBlondeInjector launched The Golden Dose earlier this year with a full assortment of high-end vitamins curated to meet your needs.

You may be asking yourself, how can internal supplements help my skin look better? Here are just a few reasons why a balanced body may be your key to aging gracefully:

  • Melatonin for sleep- If you are a proclaimed “night owl” who only gets a few hours of sleep every night, we can bet that your energy levels aren’t so great throughout the day. Sleep is an essential process in which our body recuperates and heals. Lack of sleep leads to poor skin quality, higher chances of wrinkles, and dark circles under the eyes. Look and feel better by ensuring you get a good night’s rest!

  • Probiotics for gut health- You’ve probably heard the saying “Your gut is the first brain”, meaning, your gut basically has its hands in nearly every bodily function. What you eat affects your skin, hair, and vitality on so many levels. And even if you eat and exercise regularly, an unbalanced microbiome can influence many aspects of your life and appearance, including acne breakouts, rashes, thinning hair, and dull skin. Probiotics introduce healthy bacteria to your gut to regulate and balance your microbiome for internal and external benefits.

  • DHEA (omegas) for healthy skin and hair- Omegas are another supplement high up on our vitamins for beauty list. Omegas support hydration, skin health, and hair growth. In addition to their anti-aging properties, omegas can also assist with inflammation, fatigue, and heart health.

Ready to balance your Beauty & Body in ft. Myers, FL?

If you’re ready to get gorgeous skin on the outside by getting healthy on the inside, The Med Spa in Fort Myers, Florida is ready to help you succeed in your journey. Whether your hot-button complexion issues have to do with lifestyle, genetics, hormones, or your health, Dr. Kamii, DNP can identify those root issues and guide you toward a healthier, happier, and more confident life. Give us a call today or book an appointment on our website to take the first step toward looking and feeling amazing.

Beauty from within


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