Spider Veins: How You Get Them & How You Treat Them

Tired of looking at those pesky spider veins? Let’s talk about how spider veins form and how to treat them so you can get the youthful skin you deserve.

Spider veins are all too common. Red, purple, or blue, these thin webs of veins become visible on the skin due to a lifetime of prolonged sitting or standing, a tough pregnancy, sun damage, injury, or hormones. They could also simply be the result of the natural aging process.

Not only do spider veins look cosmetically unpleasant, but many people are self-conscious about them since they’re associated with getting older. 

The good news is that there’s an aesthetic treatment that can kick those spider veins to the curb. Read on to find out what causes spider veins, how The Med Spa Florida can treat them, and how to prevent them in the future.

What Causes Spider Veins?

Often called “thread veins,” spider veins are known as “telangiectasis” in the medical community. The condition occurs when blood pools in the vein. Veins have valves that close after blood passes through them, and those valves ensure that the blood flows only in one direction – back to the heart. 

If those valves are damaged or become weak, the blood will struggle to flow properly and get stuck in the vein. Slight swelling then occurs and branches are formed from the vein. 

Valves in the veins can become weak or damaged for a number of reasons:

  • Excess weight

  • Pregnancy

  • Hormone imbalances

  • Extended periods of standing or sitting

  • Exposure to UV rays (a.k.a. sun damage)

  • Gender (women suffer from spider veins more often)

  • Genetics

  • Aging

What’s the Difference Between Spider Veins and Varicose Veins?

Varicose veins also occur due to weakened or damaged valves in the vein, but they are often raises from the skin while spider veins are usually flat but darker in color. Varicose veins are veins that contain blood vessels that are swollen and are often tender and painful.

Are Spider Veins a Health Concern?

While they don’t look very pretty, spider veins are generally harmless to your health. They don’t typically come along with any pain or sensitivity like varicose veins do. Most people who get spider vein treatments do so for cosmetic purposes only.

Can You Get Rid of Spider Veins?

Has anyone ever told you there’s nothing you can do about your spider veins? They’ve never been so wrong! You’ll be happy to know you can get a treatment called “Sclerotherapy” that can rid those legs of spider veins once and for all.

What is Sclerotherapy and How Does it Work for Spider Veins?

Sclerotherapy is an effective injectable treatment during which a chemical solution is placed into the affected vein. The medication causes the veins to stick together and the vein closes off so that no blood can pass through it. Eventually, the spider vein begins to fade and will likely disappear completely.

How Long Do Sclerotherapy Results Last?

For larger sections of spider veins, multiple treatments may be required, but the results actually last forever! You won’t have to come back months later to treat the same vein since the blood flow is blocked completely.

What if Spider Veins Reappear after Sclerotherapy Treatments?

While that specific vein you treated won’t give you any more issues in the future, your body has a lot of veins, right? If more spider veins pop up, it’s best to get sclerotherapy treatments as soon as possible to maximize your results.

How to Prevent Spider Veins in the Future

While some people get spider veins for reasons they can’t prevent – like genetics and hormones, for example – there are some things you can do to minimize the likelihood that these pesky little blue veins will pop up. Since one of the most common causes of spider veins is excess weight, one of the best things you can do to prevent them is to shed some pounds with a healthy diet and regular exercise. The Med Spa’s Holistic Weight Loss Therapy may be an option that will help you get to a healthy weight by addressing your whole health rather than just your excess weight.

If you sit at a desk for a living, you can also help prevent future spider veins by getting up and moving around more frequently. The same goes for standing in one place for long periods of time – move your muscles around with a short walk to stop spider veins before they form.

It's also always a good idea to protect your skin from the sun’s harmful rays with skincare products that contain SPF. This will help prevent sun damage, skin cancer, and spider veins alike.

Ready to Get Rid of Spider Veins for Younger-Looking Skin in Fort Meyers, FL?

Are you sick of looking at those annoying-looking spider veins? The Blonde Injector is ready to help you get the smooth, clear, younger-looking skin you’ve always dreamed of – without the blue and purple splotches. Call us today or schedule an appointment to determine if our sclerotherapy treatments in Fort Meyers, FL are right for you. 

With sclerotherapy, you’ll get the youthful legs you’ve been longing for and you’ll be digging in your closet for those little shorts before you know it.

Got Spider Veins? Not Any More


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